Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Agriculture and Plantation Industries

Estates Committee

Mr. Sarath Chandrasiri Vithana, Chairman, Rubber Research Board  
Dr S Siriwardena, Acting Director, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
Dr (Mrs) S P Withanage, Deputy Director Research (Biology), Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka
Mr Nissanka Seneviratne, General Manager, Kotagala Plantations Ltd. 
Mr Jagath Hettiarachchi, Senior Manager, Paiyagala Estate, Baduraliya
Mr P A Lukshaman, Senior Manager - Estate, Dartonfield Estate 
Mr B S S Hewage, Senior Accountant, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka  

For Information

  • Call 1919

Contact Info

  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427