Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka

Ministry of Plantation and Community Infrastructure

An Effective Cocktail Against CLSD (Pesta)         |         | Newly developed ethephon formulation from RRISL for local rubber growers | | RRISL can supply your ethephon requirement to any concentration based on your needs |         |         The Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka has taken a significant step by extending its services to non-traditional areas.         |         The Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka publishes the qualified list of NVQ-certified Rubber Harvesting Assistants         |         

Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka is the oldest research institute on rubber in the world and is the nodal agency in Sri Lanka with the statutory responsibility for research and development on all aspects of rubber cultivation and processing for the benefit of the rubber industry.


"More than 100 years
of Excellence"

To emerge as the centre of excellence in providing high quality scientific technologies to the rubber industry.


To revitalize the rubber sector by developing economically and environmentally sustainable innovations and transferring the latest technologies to the stakeholders through training and advisory services.


Event Calendar

Current Research

Adaptive Research

Establishing farmer participatory adaptive research trials in Dry...

White Root Disease Management Programme

A Development Project funded by Ministry of Plantation...

Advisory Services

Advisory Services...

Plant Science

Plant Science...

Soils & Plant Nutrition

Reusable Porous Fertilizer Tube: It was developed for immature rubber...

Biochemistry and Physiology

Research, development and commercial introduction of low intensity...

Polymer Chemistry

Innovation of new test kit for the measurement of dry rubber content...

Raw Rubber and Chemical Analysis

Innovation of new test kit for the measurement of dry rubber content...

Raw Rubber Process Development & Chemical

Development of solar-bio mass hybrid dryers for drying of...

Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics...

Rubber Technology &

Development of environmental friendly, cost effective modification...

Multiplication and

Multiplication and Evaluation of Germplasm collection of Hevea obtain...

For Information

  • Call 1919

Contact Info

  • Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka.
  • Dartonfield, Agalawatta. 12200
  • 034 - 2247426, 034 - 2247383
  • 034 - 2248459, 034 - 2295540
  • 034 - 2247427